Transform Your Life by Releasing Resistance
Have you ever started working towards a goal or tried to manifest something with the law of attraction only to find that you weren’t making any progress? Did you wonder whether it wasn’t meant to be, or that maybe you weren’t doing things the right way?
Resistance is the real reason you don’t have the job/partner/house/body/whatever that you want. But resistance can sometimes be very tricky to identify. This post will help you figure our where your resistance may be blocking your goals and dreams, and give you the tools you need to begin the process of releasing that resistance.
What is resistance?
Resistance happens when you have a belief that is in opposition to your goal. Typically these beliefs are subconscious and formed over time and experience. You may not even know that you have resistant beliefs!
These beliefs can be related to the world at large (“People are only out to help themselves”) or specific to you (“I can’t be attractive unless I weigh XX pounds”).
Why is resistance bad?
When you carry resistant thoughts, you make it harder for yourself to achieve your goal. In some cases, the resistant thought may prevent you from achieving your goal entirely; in other cases, it may make the process of achieving your goal more drawn out and difficult.
Why does this happen?
Because we have a strong desire to maintain internal consistency, we will perceive the world through a lens that is compatible with our core beliefs. Basically, we interpret events and take actions that reflect our belief back to us. This means that if you have a belief that is in opposition with your desire, you will not be able to realize that desire until you change your belief.
Our reality is shaped by our core beliefs. Our lives are really mirrors of our beliefs. So if there’s anything in your life that you are unhappy with, chances are you hold a resistant belief in that area.
For example, if on a deep level you feel like “People are only out to help themselves”, you may be distrustful of others who offer you assistance. You may also feel like you have to work extra hard to get even a little bit of success, because everyone else is just watching out for Number One. Or you may be less inclined to help others, unless there’s something in it for you.
But what if instead you believed, “Everyone is just doing the best they can”? Would you feel more open to receiving help from others, because it isn’t necessarily motivated by self interest? Would you feel less competitive and desperate about achieving success? Would you be more willing to help others yourself, because you understand that some people may need a bit more help? Notice how that small shift in belief can really reshape your reality.

How do I know if I have a resistant belief?
Resistant beliefs can be incredibly difficult to identify. This is because so many of them are formed during childhood and we may not even realize that a core belief we’ve been taught is actually limiting!
For example, many of us may have heard “money doesn’t grow on trees!” Or “You have to work hard to be successful”. And you might be tempted to assume these are harmless (or true) statements. But take a closer look.
If you believe either of these statements, what does that say about your own relationship with money? Money will not flow easily to your experience. You may feel like you have to work very hard to get a little money, or that there are certain conditions you have to meet (i.e., having a job, or having a specific job, working overtime, working a job you hate) to get money.
The easiest way to identify a resistant belief is to take a look at your life and notice anything you are dissatisfied with. Examine how you feel about yourself and whether you believe you are worthy or entitled to what you want. Finally, take a look at your goal and ask yourself how you would feel if your goal were to become a reality tomorrow. How would your life change? Is there anything unpleasant or unwanted that might occur?
For example, let’s say you are single but would like to be in a meaningful relationship. You might ask yourself the following questions:
Why will being in a relationship make me happy? What do I believe about being in a relationship or being single?
How do I see other people who are in a relationship or are single? Do I judge people differently because they are not in a relationship?
Does a condition need to happen in order for you to be in a relationship (i.e., once I lose this weight/move to a new city/get a new job, I’ll find someone)?
What will happen if you found your dream partner tomorrow? How would your life change? Would there be any negative repercussions?
It’s really important to think deeply and carefully about your core beliefs and assumptions as they shape your everyday life, but can be difficult to identify easily.
If you hold any resistant thoughts, you will make it much more difficult (and in some cases, impossible) to achieve your goal.
Using the example above, let’s say you are single and all of your friends are single. If you were to be in a relationship tomorrow, you worry that your friends may not want to spend time with you, or you will not have as much time or may not want to do the kinds of things you did before. If you believe this, you may subconsciously try to keep yourself single so that this doesn’t happen.
Or, if you were told that you weren’t good enough to have a partner, this subconscious belief may be keeping you from finding the person you were meant to be with.

How to release resistant beliefs
The good news is that even if you have been holding very negative resistant beliefs, you can release them! It will take time and it may be a long process, but it is absolutely achievable! And the life you’ll have once you release these beliefs will be filled with miracles!
First, identify all the resistant or limiting beliefs you have around a specific subject and goal. Take some time and really think about this subject. You can use the questions below as a guide.
- What were you told about this subject by your friends, family, or society?
- What do you believe about yourself? Do you believe you are entitled to your goal, or is it something you have to earn?
- What do you believe about the world in general as it relates to this subject?
- What would happen if you were to achieve your goal tomorrow? Can you imagine a scenario that may include negative consequences?
- What fears or doubts do you carry with respect to this subject or goal?
Second, write down counter arguments to all of the beliefs and statements you identified above that may be limiting. For example, if one of your limiting beliefs was “money doesn’t grow on trees,” you could write: “there is more than enough money for everyone” and “the Universe is an abundant place” and other similar statements.
Third, create positive new affirmations to use to counter your limiting beliefs. These can be the same statements you used in your counter arguments, or whatever statements feel comfortable and true to you. Try to chose short statements that feel good to you when you say them.
Fourth, use your new affirmations! You can use any method that you prefer to help cement these affirmations in your subconscious to rewrite your limiting beliefs. For example you can use the mirror technique, meditation, writing your affirmations, or any other way that feels good to you. If you’re new to affirmations, read my recommendations on three powerful ways to incorporate affirmations into your life.
Fifth, physically and mentally release your limiting beliefs. Take the paper that you used to write your limiting beliefs back in step one and consciously release it. You could create your own mini releasing ritual and burn the sheet, tear it up, or other significant action. As you destroy your sheet (or even if you’re just throwing it away) say to yourself, “I am no longer bound by these limiting beliefs. I choose to release my resistance. I now live freely and without limitation.”
Finally, revisit your new affirmations whenever you notice yourself thinking a limiting thought. As you feel yourself thinking your old pattern of thoughts, stop and take a deep breath. Then choose a new positive thought to focus on. This can be one of your affirmations or whatever feels positive and right in the moment.
Positive affirmations to replace limiting beliefs
No matter where you are in your life or how close or far away you are from living your dream life, know that you are worthy and deserving of living the life you want.
In addition to the personalized affirmations that you created in the process above, the following affirmations may help you cement your new, positive beliefs.
I am worthy of having the life that I want right now.
I deserve to be happy.
I now release my limiting beliefs and choose positive, empowering beliefs.
I am open to new and wonderful experiences.
I am getting better and better at focusing on my positive affirmations and beliefs.
I have the power to control my thoughts and I choose good feeling thoughts.
Every day I am making progress towards my goal.
I love myself and treat myself accordingly.
Feel free to use these or any other empowering and positive affirmations that resonate with you.
It may take some time, but the longer you practice, the better you’ll feel and the more resistance you’ll release. You’ll know you’ve been successful when your dreams begin to manifest in your experience!
What resistant thoughts have you been able to release? What process worked best for you? Share in the comments!
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