Law of Attraction

Create an Effective and Strategic Vision Board

Since I’ve started practicing the law of attraction, I’ve been able to successfully manifest my desired job, salary, relationship, travel, and many other longed-for dreams using vision boards. This post will walk you through the vision board process and help you create a strategic, effective vision board to help you manifest your dreams even faster!

What is a vision board and do I need it?

A vision board is a visual representation of your desired dream or goal. It can represent a specific item, feeling, or state of being. You can use actual pictures, drawn images, words and colors. And you can create one for any area of your life.

While vision boards are not required for the law of attraction to work, they can be helpful—especially if you are a visual person!

If the idea of creating a vision board sounds fun, or even just intriguing, then you should definitely try it as it can help boost your manifesting power!

If the idea sounds unappealing, uninteresting, or like a big waste of time, do NOT create a vision board! You would be imbuing your negative emotions onto your manifestations and create blocks. If after reading this post you decide vision boards aren’t for you, you can use affirmations, meditations, or any other practice you find helpful to manifest your dreams.

How do vision boards work?

The basic premise of the law of attraction is “Ask and you shall receive.” Basically, you are identifying things that you want and asking the Universe for them by selecting them to be included on your vision board.

In more granular terms, vision boards can help you by identifying and refining your goals and dreams, and by helping you get to the feeling place of having your dreams realized.

How do they do this?

When you start creating your vision board, you will be looking for images or words that resonate with you around a particular goal or dream. For example, if your dream is to have a certain type of house, you might look through images of houses until you found one that most closely resembled your dream house. You might look for words or phrases related to the feeling of having this home, such as “family” or “home is where the heart is” or whatever helps you create the feeling of having it.

As you are looking for (or creating) images that speak to you, you are also identifying that which you do not want. If you are looking for a modern home, you would not include Victorian homes or Craftsman homes. If you wanted a home with a big yard, you would not include images of busy city streets and apartments. Thus, the process of creating the vision board helps you refine your dream. The more specific you are, the easier it is for the Universe to deliver that which you want!

Vision boards are also great at helping you get into the feeling-place of having your dream realized. As you’re selecting images and phrases and words that create a specific feeling within your heart, you’re amplifying that feeling. And as you put your vision board together, you should get a visual representation of having your dream realized—which should make your heart sing!

Even after you’ve gone through the process of creating your board, you can use the board to call up this feeling place whenever you want, just by looking at your board.

Remember, it’s important to get to the feeling place of having what you want as much and as often as possible, to speed up its manifestation. So if a vision board helps you do this, it can absolutely help you manifest faster!

Creating a Vision Board that Works

To start, determine whether you want a hard copy vision board or one that is electronic. It does not matter whether you prefer a physical one you can hold, or one you can call up on any device—choose the method that you feel best about.

Second, identify the area that you would like to focus on. For the purpose of this exercise, we’ll plan to create a vision board around one specific topic. However, you can also create a vision board that has specific areas for many different topics or goals, as you prefer.

For the topic that you select, it can be a physical item, an event, or a more general feeling. Try to be as specific as you can, but if you’re not entirely sure, don’t worry. As you select images and words, you will work to refine your focus.

If you are creating a paper board, get a big piece of paper or cardboard, and some magazines or other printed images to work from. I also recommend getting some photos of yourself where you are happy, as well as some colored pencils or pens.

If you are creating an electronic vision board, set up your page where you are able to add new images and words easily.

Go through your materials (or search online) for images and words that you feel strongly about and represent either what you want or what you want to feel (for example, if your goal is to have a new relationship, you might add photos of couples who look happy together, are holding hands or kissing). Cut out any images that you like and save them in a pile.

When you have all the images you’d like to use, place them on your vision board in a way that is pleasing to you. As you place each item, recognize that it already belongs to you and feel joy knowing that you will receive it soon in your experience. In addition to adding pictures, I like to include words or phrases that capture the feelings or experiences I want to have. If you cut out words you can use them, or you can just write what feels good to you.

It’s important that your vision board includes an image of yourself. You can either use a picture of yourself where you’re happy and put it in the middle (or put several throughout), or you can even paste your face onto an image if it feels right. The pictures of you help your brain connect these feelings and experiences to you, and invite them into your life.

Sealing Your Intentions with Your Vision Boards

When you have created your vision board, you can either set it up in a private place where you can view it daily, or you can set it aside.

If you want to look at it often, I encourage you to put it in a private place where it is only accessible to you. If you live alone you can place it prominently in your house anywhere you like. The reason you want to keep it private is to protect it from any unwelcome comments or feelings projected by others. When you look at it, call upon your joy and gratitude, knowing these things will enter your life soon!

If you prefer to put it away, I like to do a little manifesting ritual to seal in the good feelings and intentions. For me this means that I call up the feeling that all of these things are real for me. I thank the universe for these blessings, and I put the vision board in a special location. Personally this is what I like to do to keep my visions private. It can also be fun to take out my vision board months and years later and see how everything has manifested in my life! In some cases I completely forgot about the vision board and later when I rediscovered it, I was shocked at how accurate it was!

I’ve specially used vision boards to manifest my relationship, my family, my ideal appearance and how I present myself to the world, as as well as my job and salary, travel, and my house!

Extra Tips!

If you want to call up your vision board more frequently, you can include mini boards as the wallpaper for your phone or computer. You can also save a photo of your vision board to your phone, so you can look at it whenever you like!

I hope you’ll have fun with this process too! Comment below on what you’re able to manifest!

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