Use these Popular Affirmations to Manifest your Desires
Affirmations are one of my favorite ways to manifest using the law of attraction. Here are some of the best affirmations I’ve found to manifest my desires.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are statements written in the present tense about something that you desire to manifest. For example, if you are manifesting a romantic partner, an affirmation for you could be something like “I am in a loving and committed relationship with my partner.”
They should always be written from your point of view (“I am,” “I have,” “I feel,” etc.) and be a positive description of your desire. Affirmations can describe a situation or event, or can be reflective of how you expect to feel.
When you think about the desire that you hold, think about how you would describe experiencing that desire, or how your state of being may change.
How do affirmations work?
As you write or say the affirmation out loud, you begin to feel the emotions and experience of having that desire manifest in your life. This allows you to release any conscious or subconscious resistance that you may hold around your desire.
As you generate these feelings of what you expect to feel like when your desire manifests, you begin to change your energetic frequency. Your vibration now shifts to the version of you who already has your desire, and so you begin to attract your desire to you with ease.
The right way to use affirmations
You can choose whether you write or speak your affirmations, I encourage you to try both and see which you prefer. If you decide to write, I encourage you to handwrite them, as this unlocks a different part of your brain than typing. If you decide to speak them, it can be helpful to do it in front of a mirror.
The most important part of using affirmations is first getting into the feeling space of having already received your desire. Pretend that your desire is already in your life. How do you feel now? Once it feels real in your body, you can begin to use your affirmations.
Feel free to use affirmations as often as you would like. Of course, the more you can get into the feeling-space of having received your desire, the faster it will manifest. But as with everything related to the law of attraction, only do it when you feel inspired to do so. Forcing yourself to do it when you don’t feel like it can backfire and trigger blocks in your subconscious.
The best affirmations to use
The best affirmations to use are the ones that feel good to you. That said, the following affirmations have gained a lot of popularity recently for good reason–they can really help you raise your vibration!
Everything always works out for me.
I am so lucky to be me.
I always receive my desires, easily and effortlessly.
It is so fun to be me.
I always have more than enough to fulfill my needs and desires.
It is a pleasure to spend and receive money.
I am always comfortable and secure.
I get everything I desire because that is just the way it is.
Wonderful things are always happening to me.
I am powerful.
I am capable of everything I desire.
My desires are meant for me.
I am tapped into the abundance of the unvierse.
I am worthy of receiving my desires.
I am in tune with my intution.
I get paid to exist.
Abundance is my birthright.
Everything is unfolding in perfect timing to deliver my desires to me.
I am loveable and loved.
I am cherished and desired.
I am valued highly for who I am.
Other ways to use affirmations
In addition to journaling and speaking these affirmations out loud, you can also print them and post them around your house, and put them on your phone or computer background.
Check out my Pinterest page to find these affirmations available to pin or print.
I also like to record myself speaking the affirmations into the voice memo app on my phone, and listening to it before I fall asleep. This timing helps program your subconscious, and hearing it in your own voice helps your subconscious accept it as true more easily.
How do you use affirmations? What affirmations have you used to manifest your desires? Comment below!