Law of Attraction

This or Something Better: Why it’s Important to be Open when Manifesting

Fast-track your manifestation by remaining open to what may come–even if you’re trying to manifest something specific.

Don’t manifestations need to be specific?

If you’ve been practicing the law of attraction for a while, you have likely heard that you need to be specific about what you desire. Being as specific as possible can help you hone in on the exact feeling you want the experience/object/person to evoke. It can also provide you with the clarity you need to move in the direction of your stated manifestation.

For example, if you are trying to manifest a relationship, chances are you want very specific things to be part of your relationship, and you want a partner who meets certain specific criteria. You’re not looking for anyone, you’re looking for the one.

So, when you are manifesting a new relationship, you’d want to think about how you expect to feel in the relationship and what your feelings are towards your partner.

This could be things like: I feel adored and cherished. I feel completely comfortable with my partner. I am attracted to my partner.

When you are setting the stage for your new manifestation, it is wonderful for you to think about all the aspects that are important to you that you choose to include, and then to focus on how those aspects make you feel.

Leave some room for inspiration

But while it’s important to get a complete picture for your desire–all of the little nooks and crannies of what it might look like as it solidifies into your life–it’s equally as important to leave a little room for the universe to surprise you.

So instead of focusing on specific aspects of the thing/person/event itself, I want you to focus on the feelings you’ll have because of it.

The only reason we want to manifest anything is because of how we expect that manifestation to make us feel.

By focusing on the feelings instead of the characteristics, you give the universe more creative freedom to deliver you something that is an exact match to the feelings you identified. Isn’t that really what we want anyway?

Instead of asking for a person who has specific physical criteria, try asking for someone you are extremely attracted to. Instead of asking for a job that has a certain minimum salary, try asking for a position that allows you to comfortably afford all of your needs and desires.

Here, you can see there is much more opportunity for the universe to align you with something that fits your anticipated feelings–even if that something isn’t an exact match to what you were picturing.

Perhaps you find a person who is not like others you’ve dated before, appearance-wise, but you are extremely attracted to them. Would it then matter to you if they didn’t look how you expected?

Or if you get a job offer that has great benefits that perhaps also has a travel allowance, or offers lodging as part of the compensation package–and with those tweaks, the salary that you receive is more than enough for what you had envisioned. You can see that your underlying desire (having security in your compensation) is met, even though the specific number that you had envisioned for your salary may not have been met.

Stay open and enjoy the unfolding

By focusing on your feelings you give the universe the inspiration to deliver whatever it may be that aligns perfectly with those feelings. Think of the universe as an artist–looking for fun ways to deliver you your desires. When you stay positive and open, you become a joy to create for!

This also makes our lives more fun and exciting, when things unfold in ways we could not possibly have predicted! If you know your desire will certainly come to you, isn’t the interesting part to wait and see how it will happen? When you no longer worry about whether it will come, you can be open to the many ways the universe can deliver. This fun and carefree method also allows the universe to deliver your manifestation to you faster, when you’re not focused on very specific characteristics that could take longer to manifest.

Try this method and let me know how it works for you!

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