The Power of Living in the End: How to Manifest Your Desires Quickly
If you have been practicing the law of attraction, you know that the most important part to manifest your desires is to “live in the end”–that is–to feel as though you have already received them.
It’s easy to say, but what does it actually mean?
How can you be sure that you’re living in the end, feeling the desire fulfilled?
And if you’re not living in the end, what can you do?
The rules of the law of attraction
There are three general rules to manifesting something using the law of attraction:
- Decide what you desire
- Allow the universe to deliver your desire to you
- Align yourself with the feeling of having received your desire (receive it)
You can ONLY receive your desire if you are aligned with the feeling of having already received your desire.
The universe responds to vibration
The reason you will never receive your desire if you are not aligned to the feeling of having already received it, is because the universe is constantly responding to your current state. If you are focused on your current state of being–and if that state of being is not what you desire–the universe will continue to deliver to you more of the same.
If you want to receive something different, you must do something different. You must change your vibration.
Your vibration is a simple word for a complex concept. Your vibration is all of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and desires. You could also call it your state of being. It is the energy that you put out into the world, and the energy that you expect to receive. You will only ever receive that which you are, it is law.
Who do you want to be?
The only way you can receive your desire is if you begin to make a shift if your state of being to becoming the person who already has your desire. Who would you be if your desire was already yours?
I want you to look beyond the superficial and think carefully about your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. If you could magically be the person you’ve always envisioned yourself to be, what would that mean for you? How would your life look? How would you feel? What would be different from your current reality?
As you think about that ideal version of yourself, relax in the feeling of being everything you’ve imagined yourself to be, having all of the things that you desire, and living your dream life. Feel these feelings for as long as you can.
Living in the end–the desire fulfilled
When you are living in the end, you no longer give thought or concern to situations in your current experience that are not aligned with your ultimate goal.
For example, if your goal is to manifest a new home, you will not pay attention to anything in your current home that is not what you desire. Instead, focus on what you do like–anything about your home that you want to carry forward to your new home. Focus as much as you can on what you desire for as long and as often as you can.
For anything that you cannot ignore that is not what you desire, simply do not attach any emotional value to it. It is something you do not prefer, and while it may be part of your current reality, you do not have to focus on it.
How to tell if you’re on the right path
You’ll know if you are living in the end because when you are, you are not worried about when or how your desire will manifest. You already have the feeling of having your desire. You are focused on what is going right and the things you are enjoying about your current experience.
When you are looking forward to the new house, but not desperate to leave your current house, your new house will appear that much quicker.
If you are experiencing anxiety, worry, fear, or any other negative emotions, you are not living in the end (as you would not expect to have any of those feelings if your desire had manifested).
What can you do if you’re not living in the end?
If you are experiencing any negative emotions, or you’re feeling anxious wondering when your manifestation is going to appear, then it’s time to check in and recalibrate.
Remember that you are in one point in time, and there will always be that point in time before your manifestation appears–even if you cannot yet see how or when it will come. Recall past experiences in your life before your desire manifested, and know that just because you have not received it yet does not mean it will not appear.
Take time to do things that you do enjoy that shift your focus and allow you to feel light, joyful, and optimistic. Spend time in nature or meditating to clear your vibration. Create a vision board or spend time journaling about your desire.
The more you can do things to raise your vibration and focus on the feeling of having your desire, the sooner it will come to you.