Are you aligned to attract abundance?
One of the principles of the law of attraction is that you must be aligned with the outcome you wish to attract. By aligning with the outcome, your desire must come to you, it is law. But how can you know if you are aligned to your desired outcome? Especially if you’ve never experienced this outcome before?

How can I attract something I’ve never had?
One common subject of manifestation is abundance, money, and wealth. Yet, if you have not experienced the feelings of having more than enough money and feeling comfortable with your abundance, you may be experiencing challenges with attracting additional money to you. You may be finding that you continue to attract more of the same–such as having just enough.
How can you begin to align yourself with the feeling of abundance before you have actually experienced it?
Your imagination is your friend
If your goal is to attract abundance–of having more than enough money to meet your needs and desires–you will first need to imagine what it might be like to have that experience.
If you lived an abundant life, how you would feel on a daily basis?
What thoughts would you have during the day?
How would you feel about paying for necessary items, such as rent or mortgage payments, or food?
How would you feel about buying things that you don’t necessarily need?
How would you treat the items that you have?
Are there any changes that you would make to your life, if abundance was guaranteed?
Ask yourself these questions, and fantasize about your dream reality. For now, pretend that you’re making a movie of your life. You don’t need to have an answer for how you got to have such an abundant life, only know that you do. For example, you don’t have to build into your script what kind of job you got or that you won the lottery. Assume that part of the story has already taken place.
Imagine living that abundant life. Imagine feeling relaxed, uplifted, joyous, comfortable, and any other emotions that may come up.
Focus on those emotions.
As you focus on the emotions of how you want to feel, you automatically start attracting experiences that will in turn generate those emotions!
Imagining is only part of the process
If there were no other factors involved, then you could easily manifest abundance into your life by focusing on the emotions that you believe will be generated by an abundant life. That’s the law in a nutshell.
You may be asking, “if it’s so easy, why haven’t I become abundant yet?!”
There are two possible reasons why you haven’t experienced a change in circumstances that would manifest into abundance for you:
- You are focused on the lack of abundance.
- You have limiting beliefs preventing or delaying your manifestation.
Are you attracting what you want, or what you don’t want?
Our life experiences are made up of choices and what we perceive as reactions. We take path A and experience feelings B; we choose option 1 and then have feelings 2. Sometimes a life event may occur that is something you do not want. This is part of the experience of life.
However, for most of us, when this unwanted experience happens, we immediately begin thinking of ways to prevent that experience from ever happening again. We are focused on the negative experience and resulting feelings.
When you are focused on what you do not want, what you do want cannot come to you.
This is a reaction that comes directly from our ego, to help keep us safe and alive. It’s normal that your first reaction would be how to avoid or prevent it from happening again.
The trick then, is to stop. Notice your reaction. Ask yourself are you focused on what you want or what you don’t want?
Ask yourself several times a day. Check in with your feelings. Are you feeling good, positive, carefree? Or are you feeling anxious, stressed, limited?
If you notice that you do not feel how you would like, ask yourself, what am I focused on that is giving rise to this feeling?
As you continue this practice, you will find it easier to stop yourself from focusing on what you don’t want, and you can consciously turn your attention to what you do want. The more you do this, the better you’ll get, and the faster you’ll find your manifestations coming to you.
Do you really believe you can be abundant, and that you deserve to be abundant?
Another common reason why you have not been able to manifest your desired level of abundance is likely due to limiting beliefs that you hold on this subject.
A limiting belief could be something in your subconscious, a lesson that you were taught, an experience that you had, or “common knowledge.” Some examples of limiting beliefs are:
I don’t deserve to be wealthy.
Rich people are selfish.
I have to work hard to make money.
People like me never become wealthy.
If you hold any kind of limiting belief (conscious or subconscious) about abundance and money, it will either block you from manifesting your desired amount, or it will take much, much longer to manifest.
How do I know what beliefs I have about abundance and money?
The easiest and fastest way to figure out what you think about a subject is to start writing down all of the thoughts you’ve ever held about it, all of the things people have told you, or things that are often told, or experiences that you had about money and how that might have impacted your belief.
Sit for a few minutes and think about money. What are all the things you can think of about it? Don’t pass any judgement on whether something is true or not, just write it down.
Now, take a look at what you wrote. For each thought or belief, assess whether it is aligned with your goal of having more money and being abundant, or not.
For example, if you believe rich people are bad, this belief is not aligned with your becoming rich. You would not want to do something that would make you a bad person.
Most of us will have a mix of good and bad beliefs. What you want to do now is isolate any belief that does not support your desired goal.
Clearing limiting beliefs
For each statement that does not support your desired manifestation, you will need to do some work to clear it out of your system. There are a few ways you can do this:
- Affirmations
- Finding contrary examples
- Rewriting the past
- Journaling
- Meditation
As you work to clear these beliefs, you will find yourself open to new pathways for abundance to enter your life.
Don’t wait–make it real now
The last and most important step to attracting abundance is to imagine it is already yours. Imagine that you’re about to buy the winning lottery ticket, the check is in the mail, and there’s nothing you need to do.
How might this change your attitude?
How might this change your behavior?
Would you do anything differently, knowing this to be true?
Don’t go on a spending spree–yet! But evaluate your actions.
If you want to use the money to buy nice things, treat your existing belongings as though they were the ones you want to buy.
If you want to use the money to go out to fancy restaurants, do your best to savor and enjoy the meals you have now–in whatever form they come.
If you want the money to go on a trip, take yourself out on a free date around where you live, to a park, visit a nearby city, or explore a new part of your town.
If you would use the money to invest, start researching what you will do with the money when you get it. Is there anything you can do now to support your goals?
The point is: don’t wait.
Act as if you’re already living that life (within your current experience) and as you align your actions and your feelings with your desired state of abundance, it will come to you fast, in a way you may not have ever predicted!
Almost all of us have long-held subconscious beliefs about abundance and money. As you work to clear limiting beliefs, and focus on the abundance that you expect to experience, it is certain to appear.