Savor the Waiting: How to Manifest Faster by Releasing Resistance
If you are in the process of manifesting something–especially something big, it can sometimes be challenging to go with the flow and trust that your manifestation is on its way. This one mindset shift will help you release resistance and allow your manifestation to appear faster than you ever imagined!
The Manifestation Process
Once you have decided on a desire that you would like to manifest in your experience, the next step is to feel as though it has already appeared. This means feeling as though you already have it, and acting as though you already have it.
As you align your current vibration to the vibration of your desire, it is certain to manifest into you experience.
If you want a more in-depth guide to matching your vibration to your desire, check out my past blog post The Power of Living in the End.
When Waiting Is Hard
But even if you understand that you need to make a shift, sometimes the reality of our current experience keeps popping up to show us–hey, you’re not there yet!
It can be difficult to keep our focus on what we want (that is not in our current experience) and ignore everything we don’t want that is part of our current experience. You may be reminded of why you want a new job every time you have to deal with a difficult boss, or how urgent it is that you get a new car, when your current car breaks down again.
When these situations come up, you may ask: when is my manifestation going to arrive? Why isn’t it here yet?!
Unfortunately, when you put your focus back on the current experience, you have changed your vibration to match your current circumstances. When you ask when your manifestation is going to arrive, you are putting up resistance to having it appear.
How can you keep focusing on what you desire, when challenges might appear?
Reframe What “Waiting” Means
Now what if you knew with certainty that your manifestation would appear in 30 days? How would you feel? How would you act?
Let’s say you want to manifest a move to a new home. If you knew that you would be moving to your new home in 30 days, you might start by getting rid of some things you don’t want to bring. You might look at new furniture and design ideas. You might also take some time to savor the things about your current home and neighborhood that you’ll miss.
Maybe you’ll visit the local farmer’s market that has been a staple of your Saturday mornings.
Maybe you’ll return to your favorite restaurant or coffee shop a few more times.
Maybe you’ll enjoy your favorite sunny window in your kitchen, or the flowers that you planted outside your current home.
You’ll likely start to view things in a slightly different way. Instead of feeling unhappy, perhaps you feel nostalgic. Instead of noticing all the things you dislike about your current home, perhaps you are remembering all of the memories you created.
You can see that by making this one shift you immediately release resistance. Once you know with certainty that things are changing, it’s much easier to look at your current environment with appreciation.
How to Savor the Waiting
With that in mind, take an inventory of the things that you’ll miss when your manifestation arrives.
What aspects of your current experience do you appreciate, or even love? Which will you miss when your experience changes?
If your current situation does not offer much to appreciate, perhaps you can consider what the experience taught you, or how you were able to use it to grow.
Imagine that there is an invisible countdown that is running until your manifestation appears, and since you don’t know when it will end, make the most of the time you have now.
By focusing on what you love, appreciate, and enjoy most, you’ll raise your vibration and release the resistance. As you soften the resistance, you allow your manifestation to appear that much quicker in your experience.
Have you tried this? How did it work for you?