Manifest Your Soulmate with the Law of Attraction

How I manifested my soulmate using the law of attraction
It is entirely possible to manifest your soulmate using the law of attraction—that’s exactly what I did to meet my husband! Keep reading to discover the specific techniques you can use to attract the right person for you!
No matter where you are, you can manifest your soulmate using the law of attraction
When I was younger, I was desperately looking to find the right relationship, but somehow I always seemed to date men who weren’t a good match for me. I would sometimes bend over backwards to try to make it work, but it never did—I was dating the wrong guys!
For a while, I blamed the city. After all, Los Angeles is known for its beautiful people—and these beautiful people didn’t seem to want to settle down. But as more and more of my friends found their partners, I got determined to find the right person for me.
Here’s exactly what I did to make it work.
When you act “as if” he or she is already here, he or she has no choice but to appear in your life
As I’ve explained in my previous post about the law of attraction, it’s important to act “as if” you already have the thing (or person) that you want. When you focus on the lack of it (in this case, being forever single), you will perpetuate your “forever single” vibration, and so will remain forever single. (Not that there’s anything wrong with being single, it just wasn’t what I was wanting!)
So, what does it mean to act “as if” your soulmate is already in your life? That depends on you. Is there anything you’re waiting to do? For example, if you’re waiting to take a big vacation until you’re with that special someone, don’t wait! Start making plans now!
Or, if you are waiting for that person to make you feel loved and secure—make yourself feel loved and secure!
It is essential that you get into the “feeling place” of having him or her already in your life to help your partner manifest that much faster.
Three powerful techniques to manifest your partner faster
Here are three things that I did to help my partner appear:
1. Act “as if” he was already here
What that meant for me was to do two things. Emotionally, work on loving and appreciating myself as much as I would want him to love and appreciate me. And physically making space for him in my one room apartment. It may sound silly, but I actually cleared out space in my closet and dresser for his clothes, made sure I had two pillows on the bed so he would have one, and arranged my furniture to make it more comfortable for two people.
2. Get clear on what you want from your partner and make sure you match that vibration
I used the technique of scripting to describe the perfect partner for me. In scripting, you are like the writer and director of your life. You physically write out how you want a certain thing to be. It’s important that you focus on the most important qualities about this person; things and values that resonate with you.
For example, I described characteristics that I wanted my partner to have (kind, generous, intelligent) and how I felt around my partner (secure, loved, cherished). I did not go into detail about what he looked like, how old he was, what he did for a living, or how much money he had.
I personally find that including that level of detail can get you too focused on the wrong things. If you’re attracted to your partner, does it really matter what color his or her hair is? This detail can also throw you off when you’re dating, because you’ll automatically disqualify people who don’t fit your specific list.
3. Put yourself out there!
It seems obvious to put dating in my list of things to do when you’re looking for a partner, but it’s pretty important. You might meet your soulmate randomly when you’re out and about, but you have much better chance of attracting him or her when you’re actively and purposefully dating.
Dating helps you do two things: figure out what you like and figure out what you don’t like. You might have thought you absolutely wanted your soulmate to be as interested in music as you are, and then come to find (through dating) that it isn’t really as big of a deal as you thought.

Pay attention to your intuition during this process
It may take some time for your partner to appear in your life. This depends a bit on how engaged you are in the process and whether you carry any resistance or limiting beliefs. But take comfort in the fact that once you go all in, your partner is on his or her way to you!
It took me less than a month after breaking up with my last boyfriend to manifest my husband. Yes, less than a month! I got serious about attracting him into my life, so I created a vision board, scripted how I would feel with him, made space in my life and apartment, and worked on my relationship with myself so that I would be ready for a deep and lasting relationship.
As you go through this process, but sure to pay attention to your intuition. Your soulmate could manifest in a different way than you might expect, so be open.
I would have missed meeting my soulmate if it hadn’t been for my intuition! We had scheduled our first date, but as the time got closer to meet, I thought hard about cancelling. I had gone on a lot of really terrible first dates recently and was feeling tired and discouraged. I really wanted to change into my PJs and just relax at home. But as I waffled about whether to go, I felt something telling me I had to keep this date.
Given my string of recent awful dates, I was prepared in case this date would be a bust as well. We met through a dating app, so I didn’t know much about him—or even if he would look like his pictures! So I didn’t have high expectations.
If you’re looking for your soulmate, I hope you’ll try putting these practices into action. You might be surprised at how quickly he or she manifests!

But when I met him, I knew instantly. I know that sounds so ridiculously cheesy!! I promise it is the absolute truth. There was something about him that was instantly familiar and comfortable. We’ve been together ever since (7+ years, two kids and a dog!).
Do you have a soulmate success story? Share it with me in the comments!
One Comment
Sally Tonsall
so much wonderful information on here, : D.