Manifest Faster by Being Ready to Receive
It is an undeniable truth that you must be ready to receive that which you have asked for, in order to receive it, when you are using the law of attraction.
If you fail to prepare yourself to receive it, it cannot come to you.
Yet most of us forget this important step—assuming if I want something, I must be ready to receive it, right?
In some cases, yes, but in others—often for our biggest and most important wishes and dreams—the answer is no.
The truth is, if you were ready to receive something that you wanted, you would already have it.
Frustrating, right?
Now, I’m not suggesting that you are consciously blocking your dream from manifesting. Usually this is happening on a deep and subconscious level.
And I’m not suggesting that if you haven’t received something that you want, you are definitely blocking it (as sometimes it can take time for your dream to manifest).
However, it’s important to look at what you want and where you are in relation to that to see whether you might have some subconscious blocks preventing your manifestation from occurring.
If your dream has not manifested yet, BUT you are making progress towards your goal, then you probably don’t have a block (though it doesn’t hurt to check).
On the other hand, if you feel like you can’t make any progress at all—or, worse, you’re going backwards—you almost certainly have a block preventing you from realizing your dream.
How to dissolve any blockages and fast-track your manifestation

First, think about what you want and identify the emotions that immediately come up.
If you predominately feel joy, excitement, anticipation, and eagerness, then congratulations, your manifestation should be appearing in your life soon!
On the other hand, if you feel worried, anxious, confused, impatient, or fearful, you have a powerful block that is preventing your manifestation from occurring.
If you uncover subconscious beliefs that are preventing you from realizing your dream, you will need to work on releasing those limiting beliefs.
The good news is that once you identify and clear the blocks, you can fast-track your manifestations!
You can clear blocks by:
- Writing affirmations that state the positive belief you want to have
- Asking the Universe to help you release this limiting belief
- Meditating and clearing your mind to automatically raise your frequency
- Practice gratitude around this area of your life
If you clear your blocks, but are still unable to manifest your dreams, ask yourself whether this is something you really want? You may be surprised to find that your goals have changed, or that it wasn’t something you truly wanted to begin with.
For a more in-depth look at removing limiting beliefs, check out my other post about how to release resistance.
How I identified and removed a serious block—and almost immediately manifested my dream

Note: The following story describes my personal experience with pregnancy and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It may contain triggers for those who are trying to conceive or who have experienced a loss in pregnancy. Please only continue reading if you feel emotionally prepared to do so (though I promise there is a happy ending!).
I have been following and practicing the law of attraction for several years, and as with many things, my practice ebbed and flowed. In fact, it was in one of my most difficult times that I had a revelation and was able to break the barrier that was preventing my manifestation from arriving.
A few years ago, my husband and I started trying to have a baby. We unfortunately experienced a loss early in the process, and I battled depression and anxiety while I grieved.
I had wanted to become a mother my whole life, and now that I was in a position to make it happen, it just wasn’t happening for us. It felt unfair and painful. I was frustrated, saddened, and confused.
We were doing everything we could, but month after month went by, and no baby. Finally, we met with a fertility specialist. She recommended a few tests to make sure nothing was wrong health-wise. Thankfully (but frustratingly), we were both healthy and there did not seem to be a physical reason why we weren’t able to conceive.
Certainly, I was reassured. But at the same time, it was a little frustrating that we weren’t able to identify a “problem” that we could solve. I wondered whether we should stop “trying” and see if anything improved. It was creating stress for me, my husband, and our relationship.
Now, you may have assumed that I was using the law of attraction during this time. But after our loss, I felt betrayed and scared. It took several months for me to process things and be able to think about using the law of attraction again.
One afternoon soon after I had decided to turn back to the law of attraction, it suddenly occurred to me that the Universe might be waiting on me.
I know. You’re thinking, how could the Universe be waiting on you if you were trying all these things to conceive?
It’s true that we were going through the motions, but in my heart I felt anxiety, fear, anger and uncertainty. I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t happening for us and I was upset and resentful about our loss and how long it was taking.
So that afternoon, as I had this revelation, I imagined my baby on the other side. I felt him as a real presence: a soul who was patiently and lovingly waiting. And as soon as I was ready, he would be here.
I immediately felt a rush of strong emotion and started crying.
I told my baby how much I loved him and how I couldn’t wait to meet him. I was sorry it had taken me so long (though he felt like an old soul, and wasn’t mad—I felt his love and excitement to be born).
I realized I had been focusing on the wrong things and rather short-sightedly ignoring the most important thing of all: my baby! I hadn’t been thinking about what it would be like to be a mom (not really, not at that stage—I was just focused on the immediate steps). I hadn’t been thinking of what my baby’s life would be like, or all the new and wonderful things he was going to experience. I didn’t feel the joy of bringing a new soul into the physical plane.
I realized that I had been fighting with myself. I had become so caught up in the process that I wasn’t allowing my dream to manifest. I had become mired in my own fears and anxieties and essentially had been preventing my dream from coming true.
But, as soon as I stopped thinking about just getting pregnant, and starting thinking about our lives with our new baby, I felt peaceful.
And just a few weeks after that moment, I became pregnant with my son. It really felt as though he had been waiting for me, and as soon as I became ready, he was ready too.
This post is not meant to be a “how to” on becoming pregnant. Everyone is different, and we are all on our own journey. If you are dealing with pregnancy loss or are having difficulty conceiving, I am not suggesting that what I experienced is happening to you too. My intention is only to share my experience with understanding and dissolving a big block that I personally encountered when trying to manifest one of my biggest dreams. I hope this post may be helpful and I am sending my love and positive vibrations to you!