Law of Attraction 101
What is the law of attraction and why should you care?
Have you ever heard of “The Secret”, the law of attraction, or manifesting? Basically, they all boil down to one idea: you can create the life of your dreams simply through belief. Sound too good to be true? This post will explain how the law of attraction works and give you tips on how to make it work for you to live your best life!
What is the law of attraction?
The law of attraction is the concept that “like attracts like” and that the universe will provide for whatever you ask for, as long as you match the vibration of what you are seeking. Essentially, a genie in a bottle.
There are three general steps to the law of attraction:
- Ask for what you want (easy, right?)
- The universe provides (this is not your role)
- Receive (or allow) what you have asked for (this is where it can get tricky)
Super simple, right? It is! But there are some tricks that can help you manifest even faster. Now that I’ve been practicing for a while, I can share what I’ve discovered to save you time and help you become a master at manifesting.
How does the law of attraction work?
If it was as easy as just asking the universe for what you wanted, you wouldn’t be reading this (and I wouldn’t be writing it)! So what’s the deal? You have to match the vibration of what you are asking for.
Abraham Hicks describes is as being tuned into a radio station. If you are tuned in to 101.3, you will hear what is being broadcast on that station; you will not hear what is being broadcast on 107.7. So, if you want to hear what’s playing on 107.7, you have to change your radio station from 101.3 to 107.7.
In other words, if what you want is on 107.7, you have to change your frequency or vibration from 101.3 to 107.7 so it’s a match.
The law of attraction states that as long as you are matching the vibration of what you want, it must come to you.
What does it mean to have a vibration?
It’s easy to understand the concept of a radio station being on a specific channel, but it’s not as intuitive to understand how our own vibrations work.
What does it mean for me to have a specific vibration? How do I know what the vibration is of what I want? And how do I change my vibration to match?
Your emotions are your guide! The key is to think about how you will feel when you get what you want, and try to match that feeling now.
When you can match the feeling of what you want, the law of attraction says it must come to you.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight, think about how you will feel when you get to your goal weight. Would you feel more confident? More attractive? More conscious of having a healthy lifestyle? Your goal is to match those feelings; once your feelings are a match, you’re on your way to your goal weight.
Or if your goal is to find your life partner, think about how you will feel when you find him or her. Would you feel loved? More secure? Excited to participate in new activities? Your goal is to figure out how to feel that way now.
The law of attraction states that when you feel good, you will be in the “receiving mode” to attract what you are asking for.

An easy trick to match the vibration of what you want
When you feel bad, when you feel worried about not having enough money, or anxious and wondering when you’ll meet your soul mate, or frustrated because you don’t like the way your body looks, you are not in receiving mode, and you will not receive what you are wanting.
So how can you change your vibration so that you are in receiving mode?
The best way to match the vibration of what you are seeking is to act “as if” you already have it.
For example, if you are seeking a life partner so that you can travel the world together, don’t wait for your partner! Start plans to travel now! If you act as if he or she is already in your life, it will work that much faster.
If you’re not exactly sure what you should do to act “as if” it has already occurred, an easy trick to raise your vibration is to find joy and appreciation for what is already in your life.
As you appreciate where you are now, you will gently release resistance and more easily allow what you want to come to you.
How the law of attraction can work for you
Now you know the basics to the law of attraction, you can begin applying these principles to your life to manifest the life of your dreams!
Here are the steps expanded to provide a little more clarity:
- Get clear on what you want (ask)
- Match your vibrations to your goal (act “as if”)
- Take inspired action
- Expect your request to come
- Receive your request!
You’ll see that I added another step that you’re responsible for: inspired action. The idea behind this is that when you are acting “as if”, you are finding new actions to take that are aligned with your goals.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight, and you want to act “as if” you’re a healthy, active person, you might consider joining a gym, looking into activities or classes that interest you, eating more nourishing and healthy foods, and committing to an exercise program—these are all things that a healthy and active person would do.
The more you can incorporate these actions into your life and match the feeling of the vibration you are seeking, the faster your desire will come to you!
Did this article help you understand the Law of Attraction? Let me know in the comments!